Edit Event

The Edit Event dialog is opened by clicking an event on the calendar or by selecting it from the Managing Events page.

You can also navigate to More>Calendar>Events and locate the individual event.

In the Edit Event dialog, you can do the following:

  • Change the Event Group by clicking the Event Group name
  • Add a member by clicking Manage
  • Remove a member from the event by clicking Remove
  • View the Member Summary by clicking the member's name
  • View Service Usage Details by clicking the service name
  • Change the Status of the event: Pending, Completed, Return to Pending Status, Cancel Event (charge), or Cancel Event (no charge)
  • Edit the Comment, Employee(s), Location, Date/Time, Max Attendees, Status Reason, and Duration
  • View available, scheduled, and unscheduled events for each member in the event
  • Select an Opportunity Level and a Sold value of Yes or No
  • Print a PDF of the event information