Advanced Member Search

The Advanced Member Search provides many filters to narrow your member search. Use this search to find inactive members, non-synced members, or prospects, for example.

To open the Advanced Member Search dialog box, do one of the following:

  • Navigate to More>Members>Manage, or
  • Click Members in the navigation bar to open the Find Member dialog, then click Advanced.

If the dialog box is closed, you can reopen it by clicking the Search Parameters button on the Manage Members page.

Alternatively, you can use the simpler Member Search (Find Member) by clicking the Members tab in the navigation bar.



You can save your search criteria, table options, and sort order as a Favorite to use in later searches.


Search Criteria

The Advanced Member Search offers many search filters, organized into several tabs. These tabs and search criteria are listed in the table below.

Search Tab Search Criteria
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Barcode
  • Agreement Number
  • Master Agreement Number
  • Previous Agreement Number
  • Member State
  • Join Status
  • Relationship
  • Managed Type
  • Sales Person
  • Agreement Term
  • Primary Phone
  • Mobile Phone
  • Work Phone
  • Email Address
Clubs Select the club(s) to include in your search by moving them from the Available list to the Selected list.
If you are using a sales person in your search, only one club may be selected.
Membership Types

Select the membership type(s) to include in your search by moving them from the Available list to the Selected list.

  • Join Date
  • Expiration Date
  • Activity Date
  • Created Date
  • Date of Birth
  • Birthday

Each date filter can have a range that is entered manually or chosen from the following:

  • Today
  • Last 7 Days
  • Last 30 Days
  • This Month
  • This Year
Status & Group Status
  • Expired
  • Freeze
  • Inactive
  • Need Address
  • Need Phone Number
  • Non-Member
  • Problem
  • OK
  • Pending Cancel
  • Pending Reinstatement

Select the group(s) to include in your search by moving them from the Available list to the Selected list.

  • Account Payment Method
  • Activity Priority
  • Activity Status
  • Activity Type
  • Agreement Days Past Due
  • Club Account Days Past Due
  • Payment Frequency
  • Club Account Allowed
  • Club Account Credit Card Expiration
  • ABC Billing Credit Card Expiration
  • Member Status Reason
  • Alternate Payment Method
  • Synced
  • Pending POS
  • Agreement Late Fees
  • Agreement Service Fees
  • Receive Email
  • Has Email Address
  • Non Member
  • Bill Member's Alternate
  • Alternate Payment Offered
Member Sets Select a single member set to search.


Table Options

In the Table Options section of Advanced Member Search, you can select the columns you want to show in the search results.

Move a column from the Available Columns list to the Selected columns list to use it to sort information in the search results.


Sort Order

The sort order section allows you to select three columns by which to sort the results in ascending or descending order.