Payment Plan UDFs

On the Edit Payment Plan page (Display Fields - Step 4 of 4) you can indicate in what order the Agreement and Member UDFs will appear on the new agreement, and you can select each UDF’s setting: Shown (default), Hidden, or Required.

  • If set to Shown, the UDF will appear on the new agreement.
  • If set to Required, the UDF will appear on the new agreement and must be completed before the agreement can be saved.
  • If set to Hidden, the UDF will not appear on the agreement.

To define UDFs for a payment plan:

  1. Navigate to Settings>Electronic Agreement>Payment Plans.
  2. On the Manage Payment Plans page, click an existing payment plan to edit, or click Create to make a new payment plan.
  3. Make the necessary changes to the first three pages (Steps 1-3).
  4. On the final page (Display Fields - Step 4 of 4) in the Primary Fields section, select the desired settings (Shown, Required, or Hidden) for Agreement and Member UDFs.
  1. In the Sections Sort Order, use the up or down arrows to place the Agreement and Member UDFs in the desired order.
  1. In the Secondary Fields section, select the desired settings (Shown, Required, or Hidden) for Member UDFs.

Agreement UDFs are not available for secondary members.

  1. Click Finish.