New Agreement UDFs

When User Defined Fields are created, they are set to Hidden by default. The way in which Agreement and Member UDFs have been set up on the payment plan will determine how they appear on the new agreement.

  • If set to Shown, the UDF will appear on the new agreement.
  • If set to Required, the UDF will appear on the new agreement and must be completed before the agreement can be saved.
  • If set to Hidden, the UDF will not appear on the agreement.

Recurring Services UDFs are not available for agreement entry.

To use Agreement and Member UDFs in a new agreement:

  1. Either click the New Agreement icon in the toolbar and select New Agreement, or navigate to More>Members>New Agreement.

  2. Select the desired Payment Plan.

When the payment plan loads, it will contain the User Defined Fields sections along with any UDFs that were set as Shown or Required in the payment plan.

  1. Enter the desired values.
  2. When the new agreement is complete, click Finish.