User Defined Fields (UDFs) give you greater flexibility to set up and apply specialized fields for your club. By creating and using your own tailor-made UDFs, you can gather, track, and report on a variety of information about your club’s primary and secondary members, and prospects. However, you must have the appropriate security roles to view, create, edit, or update the value for UDFs. (For more information, see Security Roles.)

UDFs do not replace existing custom fields. You can continue to use existing custom field functionality.


Create a UDF

To create a UDF:

  1. Navigate to Settings>Fields>User Defined Fields.
  2. Select the Entity Type with which you want to create.
  3. Click Create.
  4. On the Edit User Defined Fields page, type a Name for the field (the name may contain a maximum of 50 characters including letters, numbers, or spaces).
  5. Type a PDF Code (may contain a maximum of 50 characters including letters and numbers, but no spaces).
  6. This code can be similar to the name. It will be used for mapping the field to the Agreement PDF. Once the UDF is saved, this code cannot be changed.

  7. Select the Data Type. This tells Membership and Operations what kind of data the field will contain (such as currency, date, decimal number, whole number, list, or text).
  8. If you selected a Currency, Decimal Number, or Whole Number data type, enter the Minimum Value and Maximum Value.
  9. If you selected the Date data type, select the Minimum Value and Maximum Value. The options you select will determine which dates the user may choose:
  10. None - Users may choose any date.
  11. Today - Users must choose the current date.
  12. Yesterday - Users must choose a date in the past.
  13. Tomorrow - Users must choose a date in the future.
  14. If you selected a Text data type, enter the Minimum Length and Maximum Length.
  15. In the Retain in EAE list, select Yes or No.
  16. This flag is only available for Agreement and Member UDFs. It determines if a field value is copied over when doing a Renew/Rewrite with Electronic Agreement Entry.

  17. Type a Description (the description may contain a maximum of 256 characters including letters, numbers, and spaces).
  18. This section is optional. It can be used to provide a brief explanation of how this field will be used.

  19. If you selected a List data type, complete the List Values section:
  20. Type a value in the New Value text box and then click Add (the value may contain a maximum of 50 characters including letters, numbers, or spaces).
  21. Repeat this step to add another value.
  22. Use the up and down arrows to adjust the position of the values in the list, or click the A..Z button to sort the values in ascending order.
  23. When finished, click Save.


Delete a UDF

When you delete a UDF, all historical information will be deleted from the system.

To delete a UDF:

  1. Navigate to Settings>Fields>User Defined Fields.
  2. On the Manage User Defined Fields page, select the Entity Type and then click Search.
  3. In the Name column, click the desired UDF name link.
  4. On the Edit User Defined fields page, click the Delete button at the bottom of the page.
  5. When the Confirm dialog box appears, click Yes.

The UDF is deleted from the system.