Security Role Functions

Each user has a security role that is assigned when that user is created as an employee. Security roles allow control of the pages and functionality to which the currently logged-in user has access.

For each security role, each security role function is set either to Yes (access is allowed) or No (access is restricted).

Several default security roles are defined in Membership and Operations, but you can create custom security roles. For example, a user with the default security role Front Desk can view the Agreements page (Agreements - Access: Yes), but cannot approve any agreements (Agreements Approve - Perform: No).

The following is a detailed list of all security role functions that can be configured, along with whether the default system security roles allow that function.

Security Role Functions Kids Club Front Desk Sales Trainer Manager Owner/Admin Description
Allowed to Contact ABC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to contact ABC.
Allowed to Request Custom Reports No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to request custom reports. 
Allowed to Request DataTrak Shortcuts No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to request Membership and Operations shortcuts (installation on other computers).
Allowed to Request Early Deposits No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to request early deposits.
Allowed to Request Mass Member Changes No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to request mass member changes.
Club Billing - Information Only No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to obtain club billing information (information only).
Edit ABC Club Information No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit ABC Club information.
Member Data - Information Only Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access member data (Information only).
Access Control              
Door Access Control Admin No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user to use the Access Doors module.
Alert Types - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Alert Types Page. 
Alert Types - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the alert types on the manage alerts Page. 
Brands - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user to the ability to access the Club Branding  & Logos as shown in Membership and Operations.
Brands - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to create a Club Branding  and Logo template.
Brands - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to edit existing Club Branding  and Logo templates.
Color Schemes - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access color schemes for text, buttons, and backgrounds in Membership and Operations.
Color Schemes - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to create new club color schemes.
Color Schemes - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to edit existing club color schemes.
Check In              
Access Control Events - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to made changes in the member's access to the club.
Access Control Events - Inactivate No No No No Yes Yes  
Alerts - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access club alerts which show when all members check in.
Alerts Club - Create No No No No No No Allows user the ability to create club alerts which show when all members check in.
Alerts Club - Edit No No No No No No Allows user the ability to edit existing club alerts which show when all members check in.
Alerts Member/Prospect - Create No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to create check in alerts in the member's profile from the Check In screen. 
Alerts Member/Prospect - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to delete check in alerts in the member's profile.
Alerts Member/Prospect - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to edit existing alerts in a member's profile.
Check In - Delete No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to delete member check ins.
Check In Attended - Access Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the attended check in page.
Check In Display - Access Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the check in display section on the attended check in page.
Check In Unattended - Access No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Unattended Check In page.
Employee Alerts - Access Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the alerts page for employees.
Employee Alerts - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to create alerts for employees.
Employee Alerts - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to edit alerts for employees.
Remote Check In - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access check ins from remote locations.
Remote Check In - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows user to delete check ins from remote locations.
Kids Club              
Child - Access Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access check ins from the Kids Club.
Child Check In - Perform Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to perform check ins for the Kids Club.
Child Check Out - Perform Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to perform check outs for the Kids Club.
Child Record - Edit Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to perform check in/out edits for the Kids Club.
Copy to Clipboard - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to copy Dashboard information to your computer's clipboard for pasting into Excel.
Dashboard - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Dashboard page.
Edit Options - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to edit the Dashboard page.
Other Employee Information - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Employee information on the Dashboard page.
Print - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to print information from the Dashboard page.
View Menu - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to view the pop-out menu information from the Dashboard page.
Dashboard Favorites              
Delete - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to delete user favorites in the menu on the Dashboard page.
Load - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to load user favorites in the menu on the Dashboard page.
Manage - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to manage user favorites in the menu on the Dashboard page.
Save - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to save user favorites in the menu on the Dashboard page.
Set Default - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to set user favorites as defaults in the menu on the Dashboard page.
Dashboard Display Items              
abc Billing - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the ABC Billing Display Item on the Dashboard page.
abc Billing Trends - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the abc billing trends display item.
Actual vs Goal - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Actual vs Goal Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Agreement by Source - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Agreements by source display item.
Agreement Queues - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Agreement Queues display item.
Agreement Summary - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Agreement Summary display item.
Check Ins - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Check In Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Commission Overrides - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Commission Overrides Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Commissions - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Commission Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Electronic Agreements - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Agreements Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Employee Schedule - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Employee Schedule Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Employees on Clock - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Employee on Clock Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Event Opportunities - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Employee Opportunities Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Event Service Balance - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Employee Service Balance Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Events - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Events Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Inventory Levels - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Reorder Levels Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Member Status - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to view the member status display item. 
New Recurring Services - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Recurring Services Display Item on the Dashboard page.
POS - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Sales Category Display Item on the Dashboard page.
POS Exceptions - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the POS Exceptions Display Item on the Dashboard page.
POS/Check In - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Sales/Check In Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Problem Events - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Problem Events Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Prospects - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Prospects Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Recurring Services - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Recurring Services Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Tiered Sales Commissions - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Commissions Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Top 10 Sales - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to access the Top 10 Sales Items Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Total Revenue Collected - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Total Revenue Collected display item. 
Trends - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the Trends Display Item on the Dashboard page.
Dashboard Goals              
All Clubs - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the club list on the Goals Page.
Copy Goals - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to perform a copy of goals on the Goal Page for Dashboard reporting.
Set Non-POS Goals - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to perform non-POS goal setting on the Goal Page for Dashboard reporting.
Set POS Goals - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to perform POS goal setting on the Goal Page for Dashboard reporting.
Electronic Agreement              
Agreement Custom Plan - Allow No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to be able to use Payment Plans that are set as "custom" when creating an agreement (New/ Renew/ Rewrite/ Convert/ Upgrade/ Downgrade).  Plans are set to custom in the Payment Plan options, Step 1.
Agreements - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Agreements Page. 
Agreements Approve - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to approve agreements in the Agreement Queue. 
Approve Unpaid Agreement - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to approve agreements without resolving their pending POS transactions.
Change Member Since Date - Allow No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to edit the Member Since Date field in EAE.
Change Term in Months - Allow No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change the Agreement Term Months and Days.
EAE Birthday - Delete   Yes          
Edit Agreement - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Edit an Agreement after it has been placed in the Agreement Queue.
Manage Agreements Club View - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view other clubs agreements on the manage agreements page. 
Move Agreement to Next Queue - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to move an agreement to the next queue (pre-approval or approval). Note: This does not prevent moving to a previous queue into which an agreement has already been placed.
New Agreement - Create No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new agreements and allows for agreements to be moved between queues except the Approval or ABC Reject queues. Note:  This does not affect converting, renew, rewrite, upgrade or downgrade. 
Override Down Payment Schedule - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to modify the down payment schedule found on the Payment Amounts tab. The down payment schedule is toggled on and off inside the Payment Plan. Note: Down Payment Schedule and Alternate Payment cannot both be enabled simultaneously.
Override EAE Fees Amounts - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to override the Club Assessed Fee Amount. (CAF)
Override EAE Fees Due Date - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to override the Club Assessed Fee Due Date.
Override EAE Fees Recurring - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to override the Recurring property of the Club Assessed Fee.
Override EAE Fees Waive - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to waive the Club Assessed Fee.
Override EAE Payment Amounts - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to override the Price Amounts above or below the min / max set for Catalog items in an EAE.
Override EAE Payment Schedules - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to override the Price Amounts above or below the min / max set for Payment Schedules (Dues/ Secondary Payment Schedules)
Remove Agreement - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to remove agreements from a Queue. Note: Once an agreement is placed in this queue, it cannot be placed back into an active queue. 
Remove Agreement Queue - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to see agreements in the Removed Queue. 
Renew Agreement - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Renew an Agreement.
Rewrite Agreement - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Rewrite an Agreement.
Upgrade/Downgrade Agreement - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Upgrade / Downgrade an Agreement while keeping the agreement terms. 
New EAE              
Change Add. Schedule Number of Payments - Allow No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the number of payments for the alternate pay schedule (which must be turned on by ABC and must be enabled within the payment plan) in the Agreement tab in the Add-On area under the Dates header.
Change Additional Months - Allow No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the number of additional months given to a member on the Agreement tab under the Dates header.  The number of additional months to choose from is determined within the payment plan.
Change Begin Date - Allow No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the Begin date field in EAE. Note: Begin date is the date which a member will have access to the club without receiving a check-in alert.
Change Credit Card Info After Swipe - Allow No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the First Name, Last Name, Account Number and card Type after swiping a card in EAE.
Change Expiration Date - Allow No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the expiration date field in EAE. 
Change First Due Date - Allow No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the First Due Date in EAE.
Change Membership Type - Allow No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the Membership Type in EAE. Membership Types control Access Restriction, Discount Types, Remote Check-In permission, default club account limit, club access and which services are tied to the membership by default.  The Default Membership Type for a plan is determined in the Payment Plan. 
Change Primary Schedule Number of Payments - Allow No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit EAE Primary Schedule Number of Payments Field in EAE. Note: Modifying the number of payments will impact the Last Invoice date and the Renewal date, but it does not change the Agreement Term.
Change Renewal Date - Allow No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the Renewal Date field in EAE. (See Comment)
Change Sign Date - Allow No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the Sign Date field in EAE.
Do Not Add Additional Pending POS - Allow No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to NOT add an additional Pending POS transaction to an agreement that already has been paid or cancelled. 
EAE Schedules - Add/Remove   No          
Override EAE Renewal Amounts - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to override the EAE Renewal Amounts. 
Pre-approve EAE Agreements - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Pre Approve agreements which will put them in the Approval Queue.
Electronic Agreement Setup              
Agreement Annual Fees - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Club Assessed Fees Page. 
Agreement Annual Fees - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Annual Fees for Agreements on the Manage Club Assessed Fees Page. 
Agreement Annual Fees - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Annual Fees on the Manage Club Assessed Fees Page. 
Agreement Hold Queues - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Agreement Hold Queues page in the Setup Menu.
Agreement Hold Queues - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create additional Hold Queues in the Agreement Hold Queues page. 
Agreement Hold Queues - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the created Agreement Hold Queues in the Agreement Hold Queues page. 
Agreement Payment Plans - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Payment Plans Page. 
Agreement Payment Plans - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new Payment Plans.
Agreement Payment Plans - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit existing Payment Plans.
Agreement Promotions - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view Agreement Promotions. 
Agreement Promotions - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new Agreement Promotions. 
Agreement Promotions - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit existing Agreement Promotions. 
Agreement Templates - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view Agreement Templates. 
Agreement Templates - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Create Agreement Templates. 
Agreement Templates - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit existing Agreement Templates. 
Agreement Templates - Upload   No          
Payment Plan Categories - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new Payment Plan Categories on the Manage Payment Plan Categories page.
Payment Plan Categories - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Payment Plan Categories on the Manage Payment Plan Categories page.
Web Payment Plan Description - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create or edit the description section of the web payment plans.
Web Payment Plan Note - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create or edit the note section of the web payment plans.
Web Payment Plan Terms - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create or edit the terms section of the web payment plans.
Departments - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Departments Page. 
Departments - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new departments in the Manage Departments Page. 
Departments - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit departments in the Manage Departments Page. 
Employee - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Employees Page.
Employee - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new employees in the Manage Employees Page
Employee - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit employees in the Manage Employees Page
Employee - Self Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access their own employee record in the Manage Employees Page.
Employee Certifications - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new certifications in the Manage Employees Page.
Employee Certifications - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit certifications in the Manage Employees Page.
Employee Current Goals - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit current and future goals in the Manage Employees Page.
Employee Fingerprint - Capture No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to capture an employee fingerprint in the Manage Employees Page.
Employee Fingerprint - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit an employee fingerprint in the Manage Employees Page.
Employee Past Goals - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit past goals in the Manage Employees Page.
Manage Availability - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Manage Employees availability.
Marketing Messages - Receive No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to receive marketing messages.
Sales Commission Add - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to add sales commissions to items that were rung up without sales commissions attached. 
Sales Commissions - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Sales Commissions Page. 
Sales Commissions - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Sales Commissions. 
Skip Clock In/Out Verification - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to clock in/out without verifying identity.
Timesheet - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Timesheets Page.
Timesheet Transactions - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new clock in/out transactions on the Manage Timesheets Page. 
Timesheet Transactions - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit time clock transactions on the Employee Timesheets and Manage Timesheets pages.  
Catalog Item Groups - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the Manage Catalog item Group Page.
Catalog Item Groups - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Catalog Item Groups.
Catalog Item Groups - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Catalog Item Groups.
Catalog Items - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Catalog Items Page 
Catalog Items - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Catalog Items.
Catalog Items - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Catalog Items.
Catalogs - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Catalog Page.
Catalogs - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create catalogs in the Manage Catalog Page.
Catalogs - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit catalogs in the Manage Catalog Page.
Category - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Category Page. 
Category - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Categories. 
Category - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Categories. 
Club Items - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the Manage Club Items Page. 
Club Items - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Club Items.
Club Service Restrictions - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the Club Service Restrictions page. Club Service Restrictions are used as a way to establish a limit on services used through check-in deduction.
Club Service Restrictions - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Club Service Restrictions.
Company Service Restrictions - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access Company Service Restrictions.
Company Service Restrictions - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Company Service Restrictions.
Company Service Restrictions - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Company Service Restrictions.
Override Service Restriction - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to override Company Service Restrictions.
Product Groups - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Product Groups Page.
Product Groups - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create product groups.
Product Groups - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit product groups.
Profit Center Groups - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view Profit Center Groups.
Profit Center Groups - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Profit Center Groups.
Profit Center Groups - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Profit Center Groups.
Profit Centers - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view Profit Centers.
Profit Centers - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Profit Centers.
Profit Centers - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Profit Centers.
Rapid Override - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access Rapid Override.
Rapid Restock - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access Rapid Restock.
Vendors - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the Manage Vendors Page.
Vendors - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Vendors.
Vendors - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Vendors.
Locker - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Member Lockers.
Locker - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to mass delete  Member Lockers.
Locker - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit  Member Lockers. 
Locker Combination - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view a  Member Locker combination.
Locker Configuration - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Member Locker configuration page. 
Locker Location - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Member Locker locations.
Locker Location - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Member Locker locations.
Locker Type - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Member Locker types.
Locker Type - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Member Locker types. 
Member Facing              
Member Facing - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Member Facing Event Enroll (same as kiosk event sign up page).
Member Facing Override - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to override items on the Member Facing Event Enroll page. 
Members Security              
Advanced Member Search Options - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to use the advanced search options on the manage members page. 
Agreement Image - View No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view a contract on a member's account. 
Barcode Quick Change - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change a member barcode on the attended check in page and the members manage search page by clicking on the hyperlinked barcode number.
Change Sale Person - Convert No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change salesperson when converting a prospect to a member. 
Custom Lists - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit lists on the custom page of a members profile.
Deduct Service - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to deduct services from the services page of a members profile.
Deduct Service Restore - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to restore a service deducted from the service page by going to the usage history view, selecting the service name, and clicking the X on the services page of a members profile.
Email Member - Access   Yes          
Employee on Service Deduction - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the employee assigned on a service that was deducted at check-in by going to the member's usage history view on the services page of the member's profile.
Fast Add Member - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to quickly create a member. Note: Using this feature does not sync members with the Billing System. 
Fast Add Member Birthday - Delete   Yes          
Fast Add Prospect - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new prospects.
Fast Add Prospect Effective Date - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change the begin date on Fast Add for Prospect.
Fast Add Prospect Expiration Date - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change expiration date on Fast Add Prospect.
Fast Add Prospect Visits Allowed - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change visits allowed on Fast Add for Prospect.
Mass Mail Out - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to perform a mass mail out on selected members in the manage members page. 
Member - Access Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view and access members. 
Member Access Code - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the member access code on the personal tab of the member. 
Member Change Bill via ABC to No - Perform No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to change Bill via ABC from Yes to No.
Member Check-in History - Access   Yes No No Yes Yes Allows the user to view the member's check in history.
Member Documents - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view Member Documents on the manage member documents page.
Member Documents - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete Member Documents on the manage member documents page.
Member Email Address - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to resend emails previously sent to the member, on the documents page of a member's profile, under the document location: email. 
Member Emergency Contact - Access   Yes No No Yes Yes Allows the user to view the member's emergency contact information.
Member Events - Access   Yes No No Yes Yes Allows the user to view the member's event details.
Member Fingerprint - Capture No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to capture a members fingerprint.
Member Fingerprint - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete a members fingerprint.
Member Membership Details - Access   Yes No No Yes Yes Allows the member to view the details of a membership.
Member Notes - Access   Yes No No Yes Yes Allows the user to view member notes.
Member Service Deduction - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete a service that was used at check in by going to the member's service page, changing the view to usage history, and clicking the X on the service that was used.
Member Service Hold - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the on hold services page under Menu>Members.
Member Service Hold - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to put a service on hold. 
Member Session Balance - Access     No No Yes Yes Allows the user to view a member's session balance.
Member/Prospect Activity - Create No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create activities on members/ prospects. 
Member/Prospect Activity - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit activities on members/ prospects. 
Member/Prospect Notes - Check In View No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view member/prospect notes on the check in page. 
Member/Prospect Notes - Create No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create member/ prospect notes.
Member/Prospect Notes - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete member/ prospect notes.
Member/Prospect Service Expiration - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change the expiration of a service on the services tab of the member.
Member/Prospect Service Quantity - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change the purchase quantity of a service on the services tab of a member.
Skip Payment Method Authorization - Perform     No No Yes Yes Allows the user to skip the Payment Authorization Form when adding a new Payment Method.
Agreement Invoice Page              
ABC Invoice Amount - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the ABC invoice amount.
ABC Invoice Due Date - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the ABC invoice due date. 
ABC Schedules Create - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create ABC schedules.
ABC Schedules Status - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows user the ability to Deactivate/Cancel ABC Schedules.
Add Invoice - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to add an ABC invoice.
Cancel Membership - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to cancel an ABC managed Member.
Cancel Now When Disabled - Perform     No No Yes Yes Allows the user to select Cancel Now when Cancel Now has been disabled in settings.
Change Management Type - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change a member from ABC Managed to Club Managed.
Club Invoice Due Date - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the club invoice due date. 
Edit Cancel Fee Amount - Perform     Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user to change the cancel fee amount.
Freeze Membership - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to freeze an ABC managed membership.
Refund - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to perform a refund on a paid ABC invoice.
Refund ABC Invoices              
Reinstate Membership - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to reinstate an ABC managed membership.
Skip Cancel/ Freeze Document - Perform     No No Yes Yes Allows the user to skip the Cancel Form when canceling a member.
Unfreeze Membership - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to unfreeze an ABC managed membership.
Waive Fee - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to waive a service or late fee.
Edit Agreement              
Convert Member to Prospect - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to convert a member to a prospect.
Deactivate Member - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to change a member's status to Inactive.
Deactivate Prospect - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to change a prospect's status to Inactive.
Member Agreement Misc. - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the miscellaneous info on the Members Agreement Tab. 
Member Billing Info Statement Selection - Perform Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user to select Statement as the payment method for Primary ABC Billing and Club Account.
Member Billing Info/ABC - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to update the ABC billing info on a member on the Member's Billing Tab. 
Member Billing Info/Card on File - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to update the Card on File info on a member on the Member's Billing Tab. 
Member Billing Info/Club - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability toupdate the Club Account billing info on a member on the Member's Billing Tab.
Member Billing Info/Credit Card Name - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the first and last name of a credit card on a member on the Member's Billing Tab. 
Member Dates - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit all dates located in the Dates section on the Member's Agreement Tab.
Member Down Payment - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the Down Payment amount on the Member's Agreement Tab. Note: this is only for reporting purposes.
Member Membership Type - Edit No No Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user to change a member's membership type.
Member Renewal - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the renewal info on the Member's Agreement Tab. 
Member Status - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the member status info on the Member's Agreement Tab. Note: Fields are conditionally editable based upon Managed Type i.e. ABC Managed vs. Club Managed.
Member/Prospect Birthday - Delete              
Member/Prospect Demographics - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit all of the information located in the Demographics section of the Member's or Prospect's Personal Tab.
Member/Prospect Personal Info - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit all of the information located in the Personal section of the Member's Personal Tab.
Primary Member - Change Status No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to activate or inactivate Primary Members located in the 'Members' section of the Member's Agreement Tab.
Secondary Member - Change Status No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to activate / inactivate secondary members located in the Members section of the Member's Agreement Tab.
Secondary Member - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to add secondary members in the Members section of the Member's Agreement Tab. 
Secondary Member - Replace No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to replace secondary members in the Members section of the Member's Agreement Tab. 
Custom Field Groups - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage member field groups page.
Custom Field Groups - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new member field groups on the manage member field groups page.
Custom Field Groups - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit member field groups on the manage field group page. 
Custom Field Values - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage member field values page.
Custom Fields - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage member fields.
Custom Fields - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new member fields.
Custom Fields - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit member fields. 
Custom Lists - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage members lists page.
Custom Lists Options - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new options on the manage member lists page.
Custom Lists Options - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new options on the manage member lists page.
Custom Member Lists - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit custom lists on the custom tab on the member. 
Member/Prospect Custom Field Values - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to add custom field values by navigating the custom tab on the member and then clicking the add values button. 
Member/Prospect Custom Field Values - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit member field values on the manage member field values page. 
User Defined Fields - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage user definded fields page. 
User Defined Fields - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create user defined fields.
User Defined Fields - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the user defined fields.
User Defined Fields - Update No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to update the user defined fields in the members pages.
Kid Records              
Child Fingerprint - Capture No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to capture a child's fingerprint by selecting the child and registering the fingerprint in the Edit Child page. 
Child Fingerprint - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete a child's fingerprint by selecting the child and deleting the fingerprint in the Edit Child page. 
Child Note - Create Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to add a note to a child's record.
Child Note - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete a note from a childs record. 
Child Record - Create No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create a child's record by clicking Add in the Agreement tab of the primary members page. 
Child Record - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete a child's record.
Child Record - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit a child's record.
Master Agreement              
Add Master Agreement Association - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to add master agreement associations under the Agreements tab in the member profile. 
Change Master Agreement - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change the master agreement association under the Agreements tab in the member profile.
Clear Master Agreement - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to clear the master agreement association under the Agreements tab in the member profile.
Remove Master Agreement Association - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to remove the master agreement association under the Agreements tab in the member profile
Set Master Agreement - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to set the master agreement association under the Agreements tab in the member profile.
Members Setup              
Access Schedules - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Members Access Schedules.
Access Schedules - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Members Access Schedules.
Access Schedules - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view Members Access Schedules.
Activity Types - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access Activity Types.
Activity Types - Create No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Activity Types.
Activity Types - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Activity Types.
Campaign Groups - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access Campaign Groups.
Campaign Groups - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Campaign Groups.
Campaign Groups - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Campaign Groups.
Campaigns - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access Campaigns.
Campaigns - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create Campaigns.
Campaigns - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Campaigns.
Member Groups - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access Member Groups on the Manage Member Groups Page. 
Member Groups - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new Member Groups on the Manage Member Groups Page. 
Member Groups - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Member Groups on the Manage Member Groups Page. 
Membership Types - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access Membership Types on the Membership Types Manage Page.
Membership Types - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new Membership Types on the Membership Types Manage Page.
Membership Types - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Membership Types on the Membership Types Manage Page.
Recurring Services              
Cancel Recurring Service - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to cancel a Recurring Service. 
Change Additional Catalog Item Price - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change additional catalog item prices inside Recurring Service plans.
Freeze Recurring Service - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to freeze or unfreeze a Recurring Service plan.
PDF - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the Manage PDFs page.
PDF - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete PDFs on the Manage PDFs page.
PDF - Upload No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to upload PDFs to the Manage PDFs page. 
Recurring Service - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the manage Recurring Services page.
Recurring Service - Add Note No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to add a note to a Recurring Service.
Recurring Service - Approve No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to approve a pending Recurring Service.
Recurring Service - Create No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create a Recurring Service for a member on the Manage Recurring Services page. 
Recurring Service - Delete Note No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete a note from a Recurring Service.
Recurring Service - Edit No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit a Recurring Service on the manage Recurring Services Page. 
Recurring Service - Edit Price No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the price of a locked, pending Recurring Service. 
Recurring Service - Override Limits No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to override recurring service plan limits.
Recurring Service - Reject No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to reject a Recurring Service that is in the pending status.
Recurring Service PDF - Replace No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to replace a pdf attached to a Recurring Service. 
Recurring Service PDF - Set Defaults No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to set default pdf s to Recurring Service plans.
Recurring Service Plan - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the Recurring Services plans page.
Recurring Service Plan - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create a new Recurring Service.
Recurring Service Plan - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit a Recurring Service plan.
Recurring Service Plan - Unlock No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to unlock a Recurring Service plan.
Select Inactive Member - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to setup an inactive member with Recurring Services.
Upgrade Plans              
Upgrade Plan - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage upgrade plans page.
Upgrade Plan - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create a new upgrade plan on the Manage Upgrade Plans page.
Upgrade Plan - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit an upgrade plan on the Manage Upgrade Plans page.
Upgrade Plan Description - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create or edit the description section of Upgrade Plans.
Upgrade Plan Note - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create or edit the notes section of Upgrade Plans.
Upgrade Plan Terms - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create or edit the terms section of Upgrade Plans.
Misc. Security              
Cancel Codes No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to view the Manage Cancel Codes page.
Clubs - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the Manage Clubs page. 
Clubs - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit clubs on the Manage Clubs page.
Company - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the manage company page.
Copy Club Settings - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to copy the club settings to other clubs in the company. 
Create Member Document - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view and create member documents for members.
Delete Member Document - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete member documents from member pages.
Edit Email Type - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit email types on the Edit Email Type page. 
Email Types - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view email types on the Edit Email Type page. 
Lead Tracker - Create Lead No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to create a lead.
Lead Tracker - Delete Lead No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to delete a lead.
Lead Tracker - Edit Lead No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to edit a lead.
Live Chat - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to use the Live Chat feature with Tech Support. 
Photo - Create Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to take member photos.
Photo - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete member photos.
Reason Codes - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Reason Codes page. 
Reason Codes - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new reason codes on the Manage Reason Codes page. 
Reason Codes - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit reason codes on the Manage Reason Codes page. 
Station Location - Access No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to view the station locations page. 
Station Location - Create No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to create new stations.
Station Location - Edit No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to edit station locations.
Workstation - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the workstation settings on the worstation settings page.
Workstation Advanced - Edit No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to edit the workstation settings on the workstation settings advanced page. 
Workstation Group - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage workstation groups page.
Workstation Group - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create a workstation group on the manage workstation groups page.
Workstation Group - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit workstation groups on the manage workstation groups page.
Give Away - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the giveaways page to perform giveaways to members for a selected service.
Member Sets - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create a new member set on the manage member sets page.
Member Sets - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit a member set on the manage member sets page.
Member Sets - Save No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to save a member set on the manage member sets page.
Members Sets - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the member sets page. 
Tanning Bed Control - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access tanning bed controls.
Tanning Bed Control - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to control tanning bed devices. 
Approve Club Account Overdraft - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to approve a club account transaction that exceeds the members club account limit. 
Cancel CNL Pending POS - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to cancel Cancel Pending POS transactions.
Cancel EAE Pending POS - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to cancel EAE New Agreement Pending POS transactions.
Cancel RS Pending POS - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to cancel RS New Recurring Service Agreement Pending POS transactions. 
Card Terminal Selection - Perform No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to select a credit card terminal for a POS transaction.
Club Account Adjust - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to use the club account adjust POS Payment method.
Club Account Billing - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the club account billing page. 
Drawer Add/Drop - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to use the button in POS to be able to add and drop money from POS.
Drawer Close - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view and close out the POS drawer.
Drawer Open for No Sale - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to open the cash drawer for no sale.
Drawer Summary - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the drawer summary page.
Drawers - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the drawer page. 
Drawers Multi Club - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the drawers of multiple clubs on the drawer page.
Generate Recurring Service Invoices - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to generate RS invoices in advance
Gift Card Full Card Number - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the full gift card number on the gift card transactions page.
Gift Card Retry Transaction - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to retry a gift card transaction.
Gift Card Transactions - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the gift card transactions page.
POS - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the POS.
POS Club Account Charge - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to accept a club account form of payment on the complete sale page.
POS Discounts Apply/Change - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change and apply discounts to items in the POS that allow discounts to be applied to them. 
POS Quick Cash Exact Change - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to perform a quick cash exact change transaction in the POS. 
POS Return With Receipt - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to perform a return with the receipt.
POS Return Without Receipt - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to perform a return without the receipt.
POS Sale Price - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change the sale price in POS.
POS Sales Summary - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the sales summary page.
POS Switch Between Displays - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to switch between POS display groups in the POS page.
POS Transactions - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage POS transactions and also to do searches.
POS Unapply Club Account Payment - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to unapply club account payments. 
POS Void - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to perform a purchase void. 
Receipts - Access No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Receipts page.
Receipts Multi Club - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view receipts of multiple clubs in the company
Reconciliation - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Reconciliation page.
Settlement - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage Settlement page.
Skip Member Verification - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to skip member purchase verification when using club account, card on file, or pre-pay at POS.
Unlock CNL Pending POS - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to unlock Cancel Pending POS transactions.
Unlock EAE Pending POS - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to unlock EAE pending POS transactions.
Unlock RS Pending POS - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to unlock RS pending POS transactions
Void Receipts Other Stations - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to void receipts created on other stations. 
Write Off - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to use the Write Off Payment Method.
POS - Setup              
Discount Types - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage discount types page.
Discount Types - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new discount types on the manage discount types page.
Discount Types - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit discount types on the manage discount types page.
Payment Methods - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view Payment Methods on the Manage Payment Methods Page. 
Payment Methods - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create a new Payment Method (Ex: Gift Certificate, Pre-Paid, Trade) for use in the POS.
Payment Methods - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Payment Methods on the Manage Payment Methods Page. 
POS Display Groups - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the Manage POS Display Groups Page. Note: A display group can limit or increase what is shown on a certain POS machine. 
POS Display Groups - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create POS Display groups on the Manage POS Display Groups Page. 
POS Display Groups - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit POS Display groups on the Manage POS Display Groups Page. 
Tax Rates - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the tax rates page.
Tax Rates - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new tax rates.
Tax Rates - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit tax rates.
Tiered Sales Commissions              
Commission Group - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access and view commission groups.
Commission Group - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the commission group details. Note: Users must first have access to Commission Group page. 
Commission Group - Edit Catalog Items No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to add or make changes to catalog item as it relates to how it effects commissions for employees to be paid.
Commission Group - Set No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to associate club items and catalog items with commission groups.
Commission Group Details - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the details of any specific Commission Group.
Commission Periods - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view commission periods.
Commission Periods - Change Dates No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change the start and end dates of commission periods.
Commission Periods - Close No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to close commission periods. Note: This would finalize the date range to which commissions can be earned.
Commission Periods - Reopen No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to reopen commission periods.
Report Security              
Club Documents - Access No No No No Yes Yes This is an obsolete security role. The club documents page no longer exists.
Inventory Labels - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage inventory labels page. 
Mailing Labels - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage mailing labels page. 
Print Setups Create/Edit - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view and edit print setups page, which is the ability to create and edit setups.
Report Queue - Access No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the queue for previously run reports. 
Report Security - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to manage employee's access to reports. 
Reports - Access No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage reports page.
Reports - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create reports on the manage reports page. 
Reports - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit existing reports. 
Reports Statistics - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view which logged in employee ran specific reports and when. 
Scheduled Reports - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the scheduled reports page. 
Scheduled Reports - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to schedule reports to run at certain times on the Manage scheduled reports page. 
Scheduled Reports - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the scheduled reports on the Manage scheduled reports page. 
Scheduled Reports All - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the completed reports of everyone on the manage report queue page.
Search Favorites Security              
Export Search Results - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to export search results.
Search Favorites - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create search favorites for use again in Membership and Operations without having to recreate the search filters.
Search Favorites - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete search favorites.
Search Favorites Default - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to set a search favorite to be the workstation default.
Security Role Security              
Security Roles - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage security roles page.
Security Roles - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new security roles on the manage security role page. 
Security Roles - Delete No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete security roles on the manage security role page. 
Security Roles - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit security roles on the manage security role page. 
Scheduling Security              
Calendar - Access No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability the access to view the calendar. Note: Users without this role cannot schedule events or make any changes to the calendar. 
Calendar: See All Employees - Perform No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view all other employees assigned to the calendar. They are able to view scheduled events for all other employees but cannot edit or make changes to anything on the calendar. 
Commissions Overrides - Access No No No No Yes Yes This security role gives the employee the ability to view the Event Commissions page. 
Commissions Overrides - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit commission overrides on the Event Commissions page. 
Employee Availability Override - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to override another employee's availability on the Calendar.
Event Commission Groups - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the event commission groups page.
Event Commission Groups - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create a New Event Commission Group on the Event Commission Groups page. Note: User must first have access to the Event Commission Groups page.  
Event Commission Groups - Deploy No No No No Yes Yes This security role gives the employee the ability to deploy an existing Event Commission Group to selected employees. Note: User must first have access to the Event Commission Groups page. 
Event Commission Groups - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit an existing Event Commission Group by selecting one of the available Event Commission Groups on the page. Note: The employee must first have access to the Event Commission Groups page. 
Event Statistics - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view all aspects of the Event Statistics page except the export feature at the bottom right hand corner of the page. 
Event Summary Report - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the member, employee, and location monthly summary in the calendar. 
Event Value Detail - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to view the Event Detail page.
Event Value Summary - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view in detail the information regarding the event and the employee attached. Note: The employee must first have access to the Event Value Summary page in order to access the Event Value Detail page. 
Events - Access No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage Events page. 
Events - Delete No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete events on the mange events page. 
Mass Change Events - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to make mass changes to events on the Manage Events page. Note: After an event is selected the employee will be able to click on any of the top options starting with the "Employee" option. 
Remove Event - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to remove an event from the calendar. Note: The employee will only be able to remove present day and future events from the calendar. The employee will NOT be able to remove events from a past day on the calendar. 
Repeat Event - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to repeat an event on the calendar by clicking on the event that is already booked and clicking "Repeat Event" at the top center of the screen. 
Repeat Event - Edit No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the repeating event they are creating. When the employee goes to the calendar and clicks on an event that is already scheduled that they would like to repeat, click "Repeat Event" at the top of the page. Page three will have all of the repeating events listed. This security role allows the employee to click on any of the repeating events listed and edit them as needed. The employee must first have access to "Repeat Event - Perform" before they can navigate to the "Repeat Event - Edit" page. 
Repeat Event Remove - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to remove repeated events. 
Repeating Events - Access No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view the manage repeating events page. 
Scheduling Associations              
Associations - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view member associations in the member manage pages under events. Associations link trainers with their clients. 
Associations Add Any - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to add any employee to members associations. 
Associations Add Self - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to add himself/herself to a new association by first selecting the club and themselves as the employee. They can only add themselves for the new association. If they try to add anyone else it will ask for an override unless they have access to Associations Add Any - Perform.
Associations Auto Add - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to automatically add associations between members and employees. Note: The employee does not have to select an employee and select the Add Booked button under Add Associations. Instead, Add Booked will automatically add associations for all of the employees for which this member has booked events at the selected club in the last 90 days.
Associations Remove Any - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to remove any employee from a members associations. 
Associations Remove Self - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to remove himself from a members associations. 
Default Associations - View No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to view default associations. 
Default Associations Create - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create default associations. 
Default Associations Remove - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to remove default associations. 
Scheduling Setup              
Club Schedule Setup - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the club schedule setup. Note: User must first have access to Scheduling Configuration - Access role before being allowed to edit Schedule Setup.
Company Schedule Setup - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the company schedule setup. Note: User must first have access to Scheduling Configuration - Access role before being allowed to edit Schedule Setup.
Event Categories - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new event categories on the manage event categories page. Note: User must first have access to Scheduling Configuration - Access role before being allowed to create Event Categories
Event Categories - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit event categories on the manage event categories page. Note: User must first have access to Scheduling Configuration - Access role before being allowed to edit Event Categories.
Event Groups - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access manage event groups page. 
Event Groups - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit event groups on the mange event groups page. 
Event Setups - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new event setups on the Manage event setups page. 
Event Setups - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the event setups on the manage event setups page. Note: User must first have access to Scheduling Configuration - Access role before being allowed to edit Event Setups.
Location Types - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create new event location types on the manage event location types page. Note: User must first have access to Scheduling Configuration - Access role before being allowed to create Location Types. 
Location Types - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the location types on the manage locations types page. Note: User must first have access to Scheduling Configuration - Access role before being allowed to edit Location Types.
Locations - Create No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to create locations on the manage locations page. Note: User must first have access to Scheduling Configuration - Access role before being allowed to create Locations. 
Locations - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit locations on the Manage Locations Page. Note: User must first have access to Scheduling Configuration - Access role before being allowed to create Locations. 
Scheduling Configuration - Access No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access scheduling configurations. 
Scheduling Training Levels - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the training levels on the manage schedule defaults page. Note: User must first have access to Scheduling Configuration - Access role before being allowed to edit Training Levels. 
Edit Event Pop-Up              
Add/Remove Members in Events - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user to add and remove members from an event.
Allow Edit Event - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to restore an event to a Pending status.
Cancel Charge Event - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Cancel a Calendar Event and charge the client.
Cancel No Charge Event - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Cancel a Calendar Event but not charge the client.
Change Event Reason Code - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the reason code of an event. 
Complete Event - Perform No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Complete a Calendar Event.
Create Event - Perform No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Create or Edit Calendar Events.
Event Comment - Create/Edit No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to add or change comments on Calendar Event.
Event Details Edit - Perform No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change the event employee, location, date and time of a Calendar Event. 
Event Duration Edit - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change the Calendar Event duration.
Event Group - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the group of an Calendar Event that is booked on the calendar.
Event Max Attendees Edit - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change the Calendar Event max attendees.
Event Status - Edit No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit Calendar Event statuses.
Events - Remove All Forward No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to delete all future pending Calendar Events for a given member event type and level. 
Fund Event - Perform No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to fund an Calendar Event in calendar with the fund all button and also the fund link on an event. 
Hand Off - Edit No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the hand off toggle on the edit event. 
Opportunity - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the opportunity switch on the edit event. 
Rebook Event - Perform No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to rebook Calendar Events. 
Skip Verification - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to complete a Calendar Event which is unverified even if the event requires verification.
Sold - Edit No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit the Sold toggle on the edit event. 
Edit Event Pop-Up (Past Events)              
Allow Edit Past Event - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to make edits to a past event by setting it to a pending status. 
Cancel Charge Past Event - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Cancel a previously scheduled Calendar Event and charge the client.
Cancel No Charge Past Event - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Cancel a previously scheduled Calendar Event but not charge the client.
Complete Past Event - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Complete a previously scheduled Calendar Event.
Create Past Event - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Create Calendar events on a previous date. 
Past Event Details Edit - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to change the event employee, location, date and time for events in the past. 
Rebook Past Event - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to rebook calendar events which occurred in the past. 
Remove Past Event - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to remove a a previously scheduled calendar event. 
Employee Tracking              
Cancel Charge - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Cancel a Calendar Event and charge the client.
Cancel No Charge - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Cancel a Calendar Event but not charge the client.
Complete - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Complete a Calendar Event.
Delete - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Delete a Calendar Event.
Edit Other Employee Tracking Records - Perform No No No No Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to edit employee tracking for other employees on the Manage Employee Tracking page. 
Employee Tracking - Access No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to access the Manage Employee Tracking Page. 
Replace Employee - Perform No No No Yes Yes Yes Allows the user the ability to Replace the employee in the Employee Tracking page to view other employee's tracking.
Club Home              
Announcements - Manage              
Club Home -Access              
Club Home - Edit              
Insights Analyze              
Analyze Manager All Access              
View Only User              
Edit & Subscribe User              
Analyze Admin (inc. All Access)              
Employee Portal All Access              
Members Security              
Email Member - Access No No No No No No Allows the user to access member's email address.
Member Address - Access No No No No No No Allows the user to access member's address.
Member Barcode - Access No No No No No No Allows the user to access member's barcode. 
Member Birthday and Age - Access No No No No No No Allows the user to access member's birthday and age.
Member Check-in History - Access No No No No No No Allows the user to access member's check in history.
Member Emergency Contact - Access No No No No No No Allows the user to access member's emergency contact info.
Member Events - Access No No No No No No Allows the user to access member's events.
Member Membership Details - Access No No No No No No Allows the user to access member's membership details. 
Member Notes - Access No No No No No No Allows the user to access member's notes.
Member Phone Numbers - Access No No No No No No Allows the user to access member's phone numbers.
Member Session Balance - Access No No No No No No Allows the user to access member's remaining sessions when booking them on the calendar. Note: User is also able to see the type of event and when the event was completed. 
Member/Prospect Notes - Create No No No No No No Allows the user to create notes.
Member/Prospect Notes - Delete No No No No No No Allows the user to delete notes. 
Scheduling Security              
Event Security              
Add/Remove Members in Events - Perform No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to add and drop members from an event. 
Cancel Charge Event - Perform No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to cancel and charge members for events.
Cancel No Charge Event - Perform No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to cancel and no charge members for events.
Complete Event - Perform No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to complete events. Note: If applicable, performing this action will register commission for assigned employee.
Create Event - Perform No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to create events. 
Event Comment - Create/Edit No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to add and change a comment. 
Event Details Edit - Perform No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to change the event employee, location, date and time. 
Event Duration Edit - Perform No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to change the event duration.
Skip Verification - Perform No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to complete an event which is unverified even though the event requires verification.
Employee Tracking              
Employee Tracking - Access No No No No No No Allows the user the ability to manage clients, clean up events, set and manage availability and track commission. 
Ignite AI              
Ignite AI - View