Schedule Configuration Security Role Functions

Use the Manage Security Roles page (Setup > Employee > Security Roles) to create scheduling security roles and then add the desired employees to the appropriate roles. Two types of security roles are available for scheduling: Member Facing and Scheduling Security.

Member Facing

Member Facing security roles allow you to view the member facing event enrollment page and override items on that page.

Security Role Description
Member Facing - Access Allows you to view the Enroll in Event page.
Member Facing Override - Perform Allows you to override items on the Enroll in Event page.

Scheduling Security

The Scheduling Security roles allow you to perform certain scheduling and calendar functions.

Security Role Description
Calendar - Access Allows you to view the Manage Scheduling page.
Calendar: See All Employees - Perform Allows you to see all employees on the Calendar.
Commissions Overrides - Access Allows you to view the Manage Commission Overrides page.
Commissions Overrides - Edit Allows you to edit commission overrides on the Employee Commission Overrides page.
Employee Availability Override - Perform Allows you to override employee availability on the Calendar.
Event Commission Groups - Access Allows you to view the Manage Event Commission Groups page.
Event Commission Groups - Create Allows you to create new Event Commission Groups on the Manage Event Commission Groups page.
Event Commission Groups - Deploy Allows you to deploy an Event Commission Group to selected employees.
Event Commission Groups - Edit Allows you to edit Event Commission Groups on the Manage Event Commission Groups page.
Event Statistics - Access Allows you to view the Event Statistics page.
Event Summary Report - View Allows you to view the member monthly summary in the Calendar.
Event Value Detail - Access Allows you to view the Event Value Detail page.
Event Value Summary - Access Allows you to view the Event Value Summary page.
Events - Access Allows you to view the Manage Events page.
Events - Delete Allows you to delete events on the Manage Events page.
Mass Change Events - Perform Allows you to make mass changes to events on the Manage Events page.
Remove Event - Perform Allows you to remove an event from the Calendar.
Repeat Event - Edit Allows you to change a repeating event before it is placed on the Calendar.
Repeat Event - Perform Allows you to create a repeating event on the Calendar.
Repeat Event Remove - Perform Allows you to remove repeating events.
Repeating Events - Access Allows you to view the Manage Repeating Events page.