Creating Events

The Create Events wizard not only allows you to change an event, but also includes features that allow you to repeat events for multiple members, copy an event to a different club, and use the new Review page to handle conflicts.

Use the Create Events tab on the Calendar to add an event to the calendar.


To create an event:

  1. Click the Calendar tab.
  2. Select Create Events from the drop-down menu.
  3. In the General section, select a Club. You can select a different club to repeat the appointments for that club.
  4. Select the Session Count (number of sessions for the event). You can select from 1 to 100, or select Unlimited to schedule the event through the end of the calendar's booking window.
  5. Select the Employee. The Find Employee page allows you to select an employee from the list or you can click the Unbooked button. When finished, click OK.
  6. In the Conflict Handling section:
  7. In the Employee list, select the option to use if a conflict occurs with the selected employee's schedule. If you select Do Not Create, the conflict will be skipped.
  8. In the Location list, select the option to use if a conflict occurs with the selected location's schedule. If you select Do Not Create, the conflict will be skipped.
  9. In the Dates section:
  10. Select the event From date.
  11. Select the event To date.
  12. In the Members section:
  13. Click Add to open the Advanced Find Members page, and then find and add one or more members.
  14. To remove a member from the list, select the member and then click Remove.
  15. To remove all members from the list, click Clear.
  16. In the Event Selection section:
  17. Select an Event Category.
  18. Select an Event.
  19. Select the event Duration.
  20. Select the event Level.
  21. Select the event Group. You can assign an existing event group or create a new event group at the time of event creation.
  22. If creating a new event group, type an Event Group Name.
  23. Select the number of Max Attendees.
  24. Select a Location.
  25. When finished making selections on this page, click Next.
  26. Select the View:
    • For Week view, click a time on the calendar. This allows you to choose individual dates and times.
    • For Month view, select the time from the list, and then click the day of the week. This option allows you to choose days and times based on the week of the month.
    • For the Alternate view, click the start date and select a date. You can add days and times with a Start Employee and Alternating Employee.
      For example, you can select every Tuesday at 11:00 A.M. along with every Wednesday at 9:00 A.M.
  27. When finished, click Next.
  28. Click the links for the Day, Date, Time, Employee, or Location to view the Edit Event Details dialog box.
  29. The Edit Event Details dialog box allows you to edit the event to resolve any conflicts. For example: if the Employee or Location is booked at the specified time, it displays available times for all employees or locations.

  30. When all conflicts are resolved, click OK.
  31. Click Finish.