POS Display Groups

POS display groups are custom displays for the POS module that include and/or exclude some display options, such as the Drop/Add button, the comment field, or whether to show the member's agreement number.

To create or edit a POS display group, navigate to Setup>Point of Sale>Display Groups.

Click Create to make a new display group, or select a display group from the list to edit it.

To make an option display in POS, move it from the Available column to the Selected column. To hide an option, move it from Selected to Available.

The following table lists the options you can choose to show or hide on the POS page.

Accept Discount (invoice)
Accept Discount (per item)
Annual Total
Change Extended Price
Drop/Add button
Enter Comment
Find Item by Category
Find Item by UPC
Load Previous Sale and Return button
Load Unfunded
No Sale button
Quick Cash Options
Service Employee
Set Commissions
Set Expiration Date
Show ABC Account payment method
Show Agreement Number
Show Club Account Values
Show Current Total Due
Show Pre Pay Balance
Show Total Discounts
Show Total Extended Price
Void Last Transaction
Waive Tax (invoice)
Waive Tax (per item)