
When a member enters into an agreement or when a payment schedule is set up, ABC’s billing system creates the appropriate number of invoices for that member. With the proper security role, you can view these invoices on the member’s Invoices page. This page also displays late fees, the member’s Club Account or Pre-Pay activity and balances, as well as ABC and Club payment history.

In addition to viewing the member’s invoice and payment information, if you have the appropriate security role you can add or edit invoices, and perform other changes such as freezing, unfreezing, canceling, and reinstating member accounts.

The following views are available:



This view is used for ABC-managed members only. It displays all ABC invoices and any fees that have been incurred, the member's ABC account balance due, the total account balance, and the member's current agreement status. If the agreement status is anything other than OK, the Status Reason and Status Date will also be displayed.

In this view, you can do the following:


ABC History

This view is for ABC-managed members only. It shows the member's ABC account balance due, the total account balance, and allows you to view invoices by a transaction date time frame.



This view is for ABC-managed or club-managed members, and shows the unpaid club account invoices. The club account balance for each member on the agreement will be displayed.


Club History

This view is for ABC-managed or club-managed members, and displays all point of sale purchases and Club Account activity. The club account balance for each member on the agreement will be displayed.



This view displays pre-pay purchases and payments, and displays the pre-pay balance for all members associated with this agreement.



The Schedules view displays the ABC Managed member’s invoices for profit centers other than Dues. Here you can add an invoice to the member’s account. Unlike the invoices you add while in ABC view, which match the agreement billing frequency, the invoices you create here can be set to a different billing frequency and you can set them to auto renew. If necessary, you can also cancel an invoice schedule.

This function requires a full upgrade to Ignite, which includes Ignite Commerce and Ignite Insights Analyze. Please contact your CSM team for more information.

If you wish to add invoices that match the billing frequency on the member’s agreement, you must switch the view to ABC.

Learn more about the Schedules Invoice View.


Pending POS

This view shows pending and paid POS transactions from a new recurring service with a Purchase Today section.

If a listed POS transaction is pending, click Pending to open and complete the transaction, or click Cancel to cancel the transaction.

If a transaction is listed as paid, click Paid to view the receipt.

To view the details for a transaction, click the information icon.


Previous Company Account History

This view allows you to see the member's billing history prior to the time ABC began managing the club's billing.