
The Events tab offers the following views:


The Manage view allows you to filter events by club, status, event type, event, reason code, paid status, and date range of up to one year.

Click the name of an event in the list below to open the Edit Event dialog.

Click Fund All to open a POS transaction to fund all listed events.



Scheduling associations link together a member, an employee, and an event. This association makes it possible for members to schedule personal training through MYiCLUBonline without having to involve club staff.

The Associations view allows you to filter events by club, event type, and event level. You can also filter by the associated employee.

To create a new association, select the club and an employee and click Add, then click Add Association.

Click Delete next to an event in the list below to remove the association.


To add booked associations, click Add, then click Add Booked.

Add Booked will automatically add associations for all of the employees for which this member has booked events at the selected club in the last 90 days. This will only add associations to events deployed at the selected club.

You can remove all associations by clicking Add, then clicking Remove All.

Click Fund All to open a POS transaction to fund all listed events.


Repeat Events

The Repeat Events view allows you to filter by club, event, event category, event level, and employee. All repeating events for the member are listed below.

Click Fund All to open a POS transaction to fund all listed events.