
The Documents tab allows you to search for and view saved documents for the member and scan new ones.

Use any of the following filters to search for documents for this member.

  • All
  • DataTrak
  • Image System
  • Email
  • Member Document
  • Previous Company Document
  • All
  • Contract
  • Cover Sheet
  • Change
  • Member Mail
Uploaded Date
  • Today
  • Last 7 Days
  • Last 30 Days
  • This Month
  • This Year
  • custom date range

The member's email address will be displayed on this page. If the member does not have an email saved, you can click Add to open the Demographics dialog box and add one.

Click Scan to begin scanning a physical document and save it as a PDF. Scanning hardware is required.

Documents for this member will be listed at the bottom. Click a document to view it.