
The Billing tab offers two views: Member/Club and Summary.

This tab will appear for members only (not prospects).



The Member/Club view is organized in the following sections:


Primary ABC Billing

This section shows the following details for the member's primary ABC billing:

  • Payment Method
  • Payment Option
  • Account Last Four

Click Change Payment to select from the member's available payment methods.


Alternate ABC Billing

Alternate billing must be enabled for this section to display information.


Card on File

This section shows the following details about the member's card on file:

  • Card Assigned (yes/no)
  • Payment Option
  • Account Last Four

Click Change Payment to select a card on file from the member's available payment methods.


Club Account

This section shows the following details about the member's club account:

  • Allow Club Charge Privilege (yes/no)
  • Payment Method
  • Payment Option
  • Account Last Four
  • Bill Via ABC (yes/no)
  • Credit Limit

To change any of these values or to select a different saved payment method for the member's club account, click Edit.

To remove club account and clear all recurring services, click Reset Recurring Services.

Clicking Reset Recurring Services will set Bill via ABC to Yes and clear all recurring services for this member that have been auto disabled.


Membership Information

This section shows the following:

  • Agreement Term
  • First Due Date
  • Last Billing Date
  • Total Sale Price
  • Payment Frequency
  • Last Alternate Payment Date


Payment Options

At the bottom of the page, the member's payment options are listed.

Click the Add New Payment button to open the Add Payment Option dialog and save a new payment option for the member. In this dialog, you can decide whether to make this payment option the member's default for primary ABC billing, club account, and/or card on file.

Click Delete to remove a payment option.



The Summary view provides a quick look at the member's account.


Membership Account

  • 0-30 days
  • 31-60 days
  • 61-90 days
  • Over 90 days
  • Agreement Expiration Date
  • Last Renewed Date
  • Renewal Prices (Draft/Stmt/PIF)
  • Auto Renew Dues
  • Next Billing Date
  • Last Billing Date

Account Summary

  • Late Payments
  • Total Past Due
  • Future Invoices
  • Value of Accounts

Club Account

  • 0-30 days
  • 31-60 days
  • 61-90 days
  • 91-120 days
  • Over 120 days
  • Available Pre-Paid Amount
  • Maximum Credit Limit
  • Unpaid Club Account Purchases
  • Remaining Credit Available

Account Summary

  • Total Due
  • Unapplied Credits
  • Value to Date
  • Future Invoices
  • Value of Accounts