New Agreement Club Settings

The settings for the New Agreement module are configured at the club level.

To set or change the New Agreement club settings:

  1. Navigate to Settings>Clubs>club number.
  2. Click the New Agreement tab.
  3. Change the settings as needed and click Save.

The New Agreement club settings are described below, and organized by the tab on which they appear.

General tab

After Save & Pay  
Display page Select the page to open after an agreement is completed and After Save &Pay is clicked (Calendar, Manage Agreements, Manage Members, POS).
Warning Message  
Change Billing from EFT to Credit Card Display a warning message when billing is changed from EFT to credit card during the creation of a new agreement (Yes | No).
Preferred Sort Order The default order in which the queue will be sorted (Ascending | Descending).
Use Pre-Approval Select whether to show the Pre-Approval button and to allow use of the pre-approval queue (Yes | No).
If Pre-Approval is set to Yes, then new agreements will be placed in the Pre-Approval queue.
Use Approval Whether to use the Approval queue.
If Approval is set to Yes and Pre-Approval is set to No, then new agreements will be placed in the Approval queue. If Approval is set to No and Pre-Approval is set to No, then new agreements will be automatically posted.
Use POS Whether to allow use of the Pending POS queue (Yes | No).
Show Save & Hold button Whether to display the Save & Hold button (Yes | No).
Cancel by Number of Days  
Active Club Including Active Presale The number of days in which a new member may cancel an agreement with an active club, including clubs with active presale, in which billing is already taking place.
Presale Club The number of days in which a new member may cancel an agreement with a club in presale, in cases in which all billing is set to begin at a future date.
Available Renewal Types  
None Whether to allow the option of no renewal.
Term Renewal Whether to allow term renewal.
Auto Renew to Term Whether to allow auto renewal to term.
Auto Renew to Open Whether to allow auto renewal to open.
Primary ABC Billing Statements  
Use Statements Whether to use billing statements.
Additional Amount The additional dollar amount to add for billing statements.



Show New Agreement Setup Menu Items Whether to show the Electronic Agreement Entry section of the Settings menu. You must log out and log back in after changing this option before the change takes effect.
Preferred New Agreement Payment Plan Select the default payment plan for new agreements. If you want to force selection of a payment plan, leave this field empty ("Select One").
Web Service Card Terminal Select from a list of pre-defined card terminals.
Use Billing Info for Card on File Automatically transfer information from the Billing Info section of the new agreement to the information saved for the card on file.
Club Account Preferred Whether club account is a preferred inclusion for a new agreement.
Preferred Club Account Limit The standard dollar limit placed on a new club account.
Prefill Barcode Whether to automatically assign the new agreement number as the barcode, and to prefill the barcode field with this number.
Preferred Billing Payment Method The preferred billing payment method when entering a new agreement: Cash, Credit Card, EFT, or Statement.
Preferred Club Account Payment Method The preferred payment method for club account: Credit Card, EFT, or Statement.
Allow Renew / Rewrite Members from Other Clubs Whether to allow members whose agreements are renewals or rewrites from other clubs.
Renewal Date within 30 days of Expiration Whether to automatically adjust the renewal date to be within thirty days of expiration if that is not already the case.
Warn on Minors Whether to prompt with the dialog box "This individual is less than 18 years old" when a minor's birth date is entered .
Duplicate Member Notification Whether to prompt with the dialog box "Members found with similar name to (entered name)" when another member exists with a similar name.
Email Agreement Whether to email the new agreement to the member.
Send Approval Queue Agreement Email Whether to email the new agreement the member when it is placed in the approval queue.
Default Mass Approve Action The Leave Transaction Pending option will be auto selected when performing mass approval of agreements with unfinished POS items. The Auto Cancel Transactions option will be auto selected when performing mass approval of agreements with unfinished POS items.
Default Fee Date after First Monthly Invoice Date When set to Yes, the system will automatically default the fee due date to fall after the first monthly invoice date.

Please contact your ABC Account Executive if you wish to enable this feature for your club.



Sort Order Place the sections in the order you wish them to appear when a new agreement is being entered.
Display Fees Whether to display fees when a new agreement is being entered.
Display Payment Amounts Whether to display payment amounts when a new agreement is being entered.
Primary Fields Using the drop-down menu, select each section of the Primary Fields portion of the New Agreement to determine which fields are Hidden, which are Shown (optional), and which are Required.
Clicking Hide, Show, or Require next to the Section drop-down menu will apply that option to all the fields below, other than those marked System, which cannot be changed.
Children Fields Using the drop-down menu, select each section of the Children Fields portion of the New Agreement to determine which fields are Hidden, which are Shown (optional), and which are Required.
Clicking Hide, Show, or Require next to the Section drop-down menu will apply that option to all the fields below, other than those marked System, which cannot be changed.
Secondary Fields Using the drop-down menu, select each section of the Secondary Fields portion of the New Agreement to determine which fields are Hidden, which are Shown (optional), and which are Required.
Clicking Hide, Show, or Require next to the Section drop-down menu will apply that option to all the fields below, other than those marked System, which cannot be changed.


Custom Fields

Custom 1 - 5 These are text fields that correspond to the New Agreement Custom Fields where they will appear.


Billing Instructions

Primary ABC Billing The text from this text field will appear over the Primary Billing section of the Billing Info page.
Alternate ABC Billing The text from this text field will appear over the Alternate Billing section of the Billing Info page.
Card on File The text from this text field will appear in the Enable Card on File section of the Billing Info page.
Club Account The text from this text field will appear in the Enable Club Account section of the Billing Info page.



On this page, you can add, edit, or delete URL links by clicking Create. These will appear on the New Agreement page.