Agreement Tab - Membership Section

The tabs and fields that appear during agreement entry will differ depending on the selected payment plan. Not all plans include all tabs or fields.

The available options in the Membership section of the Agreement tab are described in the following table:

Field Name Description

Agreement Number

The unique identifier for the agreement.

  • The first four digits are the club number, which cannot be changed.
  • The last five digits are auto-generated but can be changed.


The primary barcode for the member’s key tag or key fob to gain entry to the club. If the field Prefill Barcode on Edit Club – New Agreement is set to Yes, the barcode will default to the agreement number but can be changed. If the field is set to No, the barcode will default to blank.

Agreement Type

Indicates whether the agreement is new, a renewal, or a rewrite. Valid values are as follows:

  • New
  • Renew
  • Rewrite

The value for this field is determined by the action taken before entering the agreement. This field cannot be edited once you are in the agreement. For example, if you clicked Renew from a member’s manage page, the Agreement Type would be Renew in the agreement and you would not be able to change it from within the agreement.

This field also displays the agreement term as follows:

  • Cash – Member pays in full with term expiration.
  • Cash Open – Member pays in full with no expiration.
  • Open – Member pays month-to-month with no expiration.
  • Installment – Member pays for initial term in installments with term expiration.

Managed Type

Determines whether the agreement will be ABC managed or club managed.

Membership Type

Company-defined field used to categorize members. Membership types are deployed to particular clubs, if there is more than one club, at the company’s discretion. The primary membership type can be set in the payment plan or specified in the agreement.

Note: You must have security access to modify this field.

Master Agreement

If the agreement needs to be tied to a master agreement, you can select the master agreement number and member to which the agreement is to be associated.

Agreement Term

The agreement term is set in the payment plan. The length of the agreement is calculated by counting the number of days from the Begin Date to the Expiration Date.

If this field is set to Shown in the payment plan, the term in months can be edited. If you change the number of months, the system will adjust the number of payments, expiration date, and renewal date.

Billing Frequency

Determines the frequency of payment. The value for this field is set in the payment plan. Valid values are as follows:

  • Weekly
  • Bi-Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Quarterly
  • Semi-Annually
  • Annually

This field cannot be edited. If the value for this field needs to be changed, it would need to be changed through the payment plan.

Last Payment Applied

Indicates when the last payment collected at signing will be applied.

Valid values are as follows:

  • End of Term
  • Upon Cancellation

The value for this field is set in the payment plan in the Last Payment section. This field cannot be edited. If the value for this field needs to be changed, it needs to be changed through the payment plan.

Note:The field will only appear on the agreement if the field Member Pays Last Payment at Signing is set to Yes.

Additional Months Applied

Indicates when any free months will be applied.

Valid values are as follows:

  • Beginning of Term
  • End of Term
  • Upon Cancellation

The value for this field is set in the payment plan in the Additional Months section. This field cannot be edited. If the value for this field needs to be changed, it needs to be changed through the payment plan.

Note:The field will only appear on the agreement if the field Allowed Additional Months is set to Yes.