
The tabs and fields that appear during agreement entry will differ depending on the selected payment plan. Not all plans include all tabs or fields.

If you have the security role to edit the Expiration Date, Renewal Date, and Number of Payments, and you change any of these fields, the dates will automatically recalculate when the you tab or move out of the field.

For example, if you change the Begin Date from 8/01/2010 to 8/20/2010 and you change the Expiration Date and the Renewal Date, the affected date fields will automatically adjust.

The available options in the Dates section of the Agreement tab are described in the following table.

Field Description

Last Invoice Date

The date of the last invoice for the member for Installment plans.

Member Since

The date on which the member initially joined. This field cannot be edited. It is a read-only field.

Sign Date

The date the member signs the agreement. This field will be disabled and cannot be edited unless you are allowed access through a security role to edit this field.

Begin Date

Specifies the starting or join date of the membership agreement. It defaults to the current date.

If you are allowed access to edit this field and you change the Begin Date, the Expiration Date, Renewal Date, and First Due Date will auto calculate based on the new date.

For example, if the Begin Date defaults to the current date 8/01/2010, if the Expiration Date is 8/01/2011, if the Renewal Date is 8/01/2011, and if the First Due Date defaults to 9/01/2010, and you change the Begin Date to 9/01/2010, the Expiration Date will be 9/01/2011, the Renewal Date will be 9/01/2011, and the First Due Date will be 10/01/2010.

This field will be disabled and cannot be edited unless you are allowed access through a security role to edit this field.

Expiration Date

Specifies the end of the initial term for the membership for agreements with an agreement term Installment or Cash. This date will be auto-calculated and will be disabled. You cannot change the Expiration Date unless you have a security role that allows you to edit the field.

The default date for the Expiration Date will be the number of months specified in the Term in Months field from Begin Date, unless free months are allowed as part of the payment plan. If free months are allowed as part of the payment plan, the Expiration Date would be extended based on the number of free months given to the member.

For example, if the Term in Months is equal to 12, if the Begin Date is 8/20/2010 and the initial Expiration Date is 8/20/2011, if the member is given two free months at the beginning of the term, then the Term in Months would remain at 12, but the Expiration Date would then be 10/20/2011.

If you have security access to change the number of payments and you change the number of payments so that the agreement extends past the initial term in months, then the Expiration Date will be extended based on the extra number of payments times the Billing Frequency. For example, a salesperson is working with a 12-month agreement with a Begin Date of 2/14/2011 and a First Due Date of 3/14/2011 with 11 payments. The initial Expiration Date is 2/14/2012. The salesperson changes the number of payments to 17. Since the Billing Frequency is Monthly and the number of payments has been extended by six payments, the new Expiration Date will be 8/14/2012.

The Expiration Date will be within 30 days of the Renewal Date. So if the calculated Expiration Date is not within 30 days of the Renewal Date, then the Expiration Date will be moved up however many number of billing intervals based on Billing Frequency to bring the Expiration Date to within 30 days of the Renewal Date. For example, a salesperson is working with a 12-month agreement with a Begin Date of 2/14/2011 and a First Due Date of 3/14/2011 with 11 payments. The initial Expiration Date is 2/14/2012 and the Renewal Date is 2/14/2012. The salesperson changes the Renewal Date to 4/01/2012. Since the Billing Frequency is Monthly, the Expiration Date is moved up one month so that it is within 30 days of the Renewal Date. The resulting Expiration Date is 3/14/2012.

Expiration Date Calculation

Expiration Date = Begin Month

+ Free Months (Additional months)

+ Term in Months

+ Extra Number of Payments x Billing Frequency
(If the number of payments input into the agreement causes the agreement to extend past the initial term in months)

+ Number of billing intervals to bring Expiration Date within 30 days of Renewal Date (if the initially calculated Expiration Date is not within 30 days of the Renewal Date)

Renewal Date

Specifies when the agreement will renew for agreements with an agreement term of Installment or Cash. This date will be auto-calculated and will be disabled. You cannot change the Renewal Date unless you have a security role that allows you to edit the field.

Note: If the club changes the due date, the date field and the day field on ABC’s billing system also need to reflect the new date. Right now, ABC’s billing system correctly updates the due day for renewals but not the renew date.

Please see the section Renewal Date Calculation for details on how the Renewal Date is calculated.

Additional Months

If free months are allowed as part of the payment plan, this field determines the number of free months allowed.

The payment plan determines the minimum and maximum number of free months allowed. If free months are allowed as part of the agreement and you are allowed access to edit the Additional Months field, you can use the default number of months displayed initially in the field or select a different value from the drop-down menu if minimum and maximum values are specified in the payment plan. The values presented start with the minimum number of months specified in the payment plan and increment by one up to the maximum number of months specified in the payment plan.

For example, if the default number of months is 1, this will be the value shown initially in the Additional Months field. If the minimum number of months specified in the payment plan is 0 and the maximum number of months specified in the payment plan is 3, then when you click the drop-down arrow next to the Additional Months field, the values 0, 1, 2, and 3 will appear in the drop-down menu.


Specifies the profit center for the primary schedule and any secondary schedules. The profit center is set in the payment plan and cannot be edited in the agreement.

First Due Date

Specifies when the first payment will be due after signing.

Note: This field will be disabled and cannot be edited unless you are allowed access through a security role.

The default First Due Date is determined in one of the following four ways:

  • Day of Month: If the First Due Date is determined by day of month selected in the payment plan, the First Due Date will default to one month from the day of month specified in the payment plan. For example, if the default First Due Date is the 8th according to the payment plan and the member’s Begin Date is 8/01/2010, the First Due Date will be 9/08/2010.
  • Number of Days From Agreement Begin Date: If the First Due Date is determined based on number of days from the Begin Date, the first due date will default to the number of days specified in the payment plan. For example, if the default First Due Date is 7 days from the Begin Date according to the payment plan and the member’s Begin Date is 8/01/2010, the First Due Date will be 8/08/2010.
  • Free Months at Beginning of Term: If the member is given free months at the beginning of term according to the payment plan then the First Due Date will be however many number of months after the Begin Date based on the number of free months the member is given. For example, if the member is given two free months at the beginning of term and the Begin Date is 8/01/2010, then the First Due Date will be 11/01/2010 (one month from Begin Date on Day of Month specified in the payment plan plus two free months).
  • Different Due Date at Signing: If the member requests and the club allows a different due day at signing, then the First Due Date will be based on the due day the member requests. For example, if the member requests to be billed on the 10th of each month and the member’s Begin Date is 8/01/2010, the First Due Date will be 9/10/2010.

First Due Date Calculation

First Due Date = Begin Month

+ # of Days from Begin Date OR + one month on Day of Month

+ Free (Additional) Months

Number of Payments

If the agreement term is set to Installment, this specifies the number of payments for which the member is responsible. This number is based on the number of payments specified in the payment plan.

This field will be disabled and cannot be edited unless you are allowed access through a security role to edit this field.

Auto Renew to Open

Indicates if the agreement will auto renew to open as set in the payment plan.

Payment Amount

Specifies the amount the member will pay per payment.


Specifies the amount the member will pay per payment if the member pays by statement. This field cannot be edited.

Schedule Type

Indicates if this is a primary payment schedule or an add-on (secondary) payment schedule.